A letter for my Frifes

No matter where you are, the company you are in, what you are doing or your mood. somethings will always be here.

The rings on our fingers, the love in our hearts, friendships and this blog... lol(gasm)

by the power the almighty internet i say, may we never loose each other in the endless folds of time that we are forced to endure over time...

Read the blog, ok?

xx your frife

Sunday, June 13, 2010

the first post ever

this is to my frifes who cannot be named and will therefore be known as gangster, trunnybugger and snuggumpie. however they may disapprove of these names, one cannot usually choose ones name anyway.so... this is how it is.
What shall happen these holidays? who knows?

Snuggumpie: Travels to Israel on Monday for the entire four weeks. she is expected to comment on anything that may have relevance to her frifes. if code is necessary, then it shall be used. good luck midget xxx travel safe :) 

Gangster: May or may not be going on a trek around Europe. if she is, she is expected to do the same as snuggumpie, if not, i or she shall post any 2010 happenings that are of meaning.

Trunnybugger: Is doing her fair share of community service of a pleasurable kind. most people would enjoy looking after beautiful horses for four weeks. also,  she is going on a potentially enjoyable family holiday for approx a week.  

Listener: A for me, i have not much planned and will therefore have sufficient time to blog about what everyone else is doing. lovely isn't it? i don't think so either. instead, i will have a wonderful time and blog about THAT as well as the frifes. hopefully no one  is too annoyed by this post (for my sake and theirs)
for now, adios!
xxx the listener


  1. Hey guys! i can't actually sign in and blog because of a stupid problem but please post comments on your own pages so that we know what you're up to! :)

    xxx the listener xxx

  2. you did realise that you didn't make it possible for us to comment on our pages...

    Delete this message don't publish it and go on skype so we can talk...


  3. Hey, I am gonna make an ES blog now... :P Love you, love me xxx your snuggum (without the -pie)xxx
